Japanese company creates shoes with GPS to locate lost elderly

Japanese company creates shoes with GPS to locate lost elderly


Imagine how a shoe could make life safer for elderly people with certain disease?
The Japanese company Wish Hills developed footwear with GPS to help locate elderly people with dementia, which can get lost and not be able to come back home.
The "Dokodemo GPS Shoes" show the user's position in devices like smartphones and computers with an identification number and password.
"We have experience in search of patients with dementia lost, and we know this persons profile does not use mobile phones and no clocks, and Yes shoes. So we decided to create shoes with GPS tracking system, "explained a company spokesman for the Sheet.
When the old man turns away more than 50, 100 or 500 meters from home, depending on the preset number, a notification is sent to the mobile device, which shows the user's position on a map so that it is easier to start the search.
Costing 35 1000 yen (1,000 R$), are only available in Japan, a country where almost 25% of the population over 65 years.
"The domestic market is very important for us, however, in the future be interested in us open in other markets where the population will age quickly in the coming years," said the company.
Dementia is a syndrome that involves the deterioration of memory, intellect, and ability to perform activities of daily life. About of 47.5 million people suffering from dementia in the world, and each year are registered 7.7 million new cases, according to data from the who (World Health Organization).



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