10 Commandments For living In Japan
Living in a country so different from ours brings mixed feelings. One of them is the expectation for a new world to be explored. When it comes to Japan then, forget it. Are many novelties for those who crossed the world with luggage full of dreams and goals to be achieved.

But, not always are flowers in the land of the rising sun. We have to adapt to a very different lifestyle than we had in Brazil. The work routine can be exhaustive and could end up bringing a bit of dismay. But we can't let the obstacles impede us to accomplish our goals.

Check out 10 tips below, or better, 10 commandments to have a pleasurable and comfortable life in Japan, without leaving aside the dreams and goals that took him to the other side of the world.

1. Learn Japanese

This is a rule number 1 for an adaptation easier in Japan, in addition to contributing to a good relationship and a good coexistence with the Japanese. In addition to approach the local culture, learn the Japanese with fluency can open many doors and bring good job opportunities.

2. Respect the local culture

The Japan is a country with a culture very different from ours and so it is essential that people learn about their culture and local rules, thus ensuring a good coexistence with everyone. It's like that old saying: we have to face the music that is, respecting the House that welcomed us.

3. Be prudent in relation to expenses

When we arrived in Japan, deslumbramos us with so many news and easy access to new technologies and with that, we ended up compromising income with expenses. Of course we must not deprive us of everything, but prudence with money never hurts, because you never know tomorrow.
Enjoy life Yes and browse live comfortably, but not lavish. A tip is to write down everything you spend and eliminate superfluous expenses until you can Save at least 10% of your income every month.

4. Don't do debts

Look for paying their bills on time and care with the cellular plans, overspending with credit card debts with the municipality or hoken (health insurance) or what is even worse: debt with loan sharks. In Japan there's no breeze. Once with debt, you will enter to a blacklist and not be able to clear his name, because it will be recorded forever in its history.

5. Try to qualify

Get out of your comfort zone and try to specialize. Get letter of forklift, welder, or any other that is useful in time to find a good job. Many Japanese companies are looking for this skilled labor, so the pay is much better.

Of course a good remuneration depends on several factors, such as competence and responsibility, but it will be a big ACE in the hole if you have technical education, which will help in finding well-paid jobs as welders, which can earn more than 3 1000 yen per hour.

6. invest the money saved

Let the money sitting in the account is not in any way the smartest option. Look for a cost-effective way to invest that money a minimum that is profits. Can be savings, any title or Monetary Fund. Search the bottom in this regard and look for the best option for your case.

7. look for other forms of income

Don't get too comfortable just with his job, if he's not being so profitable. Look for alternative sources of income so that you can count on a little money in the end of the month for expenses.
In Japan, there are many ways to do this. If you speak good Japanese, can work as an interpreter in his spare time. If it is good in cooking, can do sweet and savory to sell. Well, these are just some of the options.
Maybe you have a hidden gift, being able to use it to your advantage?

8. Don't depend on contractors

For sure, the contractors are quite useful to solve everyday problems, but once you have mastered the language and has qualifications, you can launch your flight and get better-paying jobs.
Not all contractors, but there are many who do not pay overtime properly and omit some rights to their employees such as paid annual holidays, unemployment insurance, retirement and health insurance.

9. Don't complain of everything all the time

Even if you, Japan is a temporary place, intensely alive and take advantage of every opportunity. One day, you may have Miss Japan and regret not having taken advantage of life while you were there. Change your attitude and thank you always for what you have. For sure you will feel happier and have many good rewards along the way.
I say this, because it is common to see Brazilians who claim to be dissatisfied with Japan. Try to look at it with fresh eyes, or at least as a place that gave you a chance to win a dream, whatever it is. The success is guaranteed for anyone who manages to overcome the challenges and obstacles.

10. Do not stop studying.

The duration of work in Japan is often long and tiring, but don't let that stop you from gaining knowledge. Read good books and use the internet as an ally in their quest for knowledge. Do not stop in time. Try to update all the time, because life is in constant motion.
Progress not only intellectually but also spiritually. As the saying goes: healthy mind, healthy body. Or as my grandmother used to say: idle hands are the Devil's workshop. So keep your mind occupied with good things. So will not give chance to the depression and monotony take over your life.
Credits: the tips are Eduardo Naomi Shibayama, who lives in the city of Iwata, Shizuoka Prefecture. He has applied these 10 Commandments in his life and has been reaping great fruits in your long journey in the land of the rising sun. :)


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