
Mostrando postagens de fevereiro, 2016
15 truques de maquiagem para os olhos Confira algumas dicas incríveis para arrasar na maquiagem e realçar a beleza dos seus olhos Aliada  indispensável da beleza feminina, a  maquiagem  tem lá seus segredinhos. Conseguir fazer aquele make perfeito nem sempre é fácil, mas com produtos específicos e técnicas corretas dá para realçar ainda mais sua  beleza . Os olhos merecem destaque e podem fazer toda a diferença! Errar na cor da sombra, exagerar no tom ou aplicar um efeito errado podem deixar nossa aparência cansada e envelhecida, por exemplo. Não quer errar? Então confira alguns truques de  maquiagem para os olhos . – Vídeo: passo-a-passo para realçar seu olhar! Veja como fazer efeitos com sombras, dicas de pincéis, modelar os cílios e muito mais! Truques de maquiagem para os olhos Não sabe que cor de sombra usar? Aposte em tons de marrom. Não tem erro! Não é necessário  combinar a cor da sombra  com a roupa, mas procure manter uma harmonia. Por exemplo: aposte
Ishigaki Island  in Okinawa prefecture is best known throughout Japan as a resort island of idyllic, white sand beaches. My partner and I were there last weekend, and were indeed wowed by the island's elegant beaches that, driving around the coast, we would happen on every few minutes. However, there was another aspect of Ishigaki that captured my imagination even more completely:  Ishigaki's trees . Ishigaki Island is semi-tropical, meaning that besides the pines that grow here as they grow all over Japan, there are numerous other kinds of trees not generally found on the mainland, most notably palms. Another kind of tree that I felt compelled to photograph a lot of was one with a trunk that was wreathed in what looked like thick woody tendrils (I think it's an  arakashi , or Quercus glauca). Ishigaki Island is also very windswept, and the gales that blow sculpt the trees in dramatic ways that beg to be photographed if not painted. Enjoy the above slideshow of a few of th
 se o iPhone, iPad ou iPod touch não responder ou não ligar O ecrã do dispositivo poderá estar bloqueado e não responder quando toca no mesmo ou quando prime botões. Ou o dispositivo liga, mas bloqueia durante o arranque. Estes passos podem ajudar. Se o ecrã estiver preto ou bloqueado Em primeiro lugar, tente forçar o reinício do dispositivo. Forçar o reinício do dispositivo não apagará os conteúdos existentes no mesmo. Mesmo no caso de o ecrã estar preto ou os botões deixarem de responder, poderá, ainda assim, forçar o dispositivo a reiniciar. Mantenha premidos o botão principal e o botão Suspender/Reativar em simultâneo durante, pelo menos, 10 segundos, até visualizar o logótipo Apple. Se ainda assim o dispositivo não ligar nem arrancar Ligue o dispositivo e deixe-o carregar durante, pelo menos, 1 hora.  Após alguns minutos, deverá visualizar o ecrã de carregamento.  Se não vir o ecrã de carregamento no período de uma hora ou se entretanto vir o ecr

Japanese company creates shoes with GPS to locate lost elderly

Japanese company creates shoes with GPS to locate lost elderly       0 Imagine how a shoe could make life safer for elderly people with certain disease? The Japanese company Wish Hills developed footwear with GPS to help locate elderly people with dementia, which can get lost and not be able to come back home. The "Dokodemo GPS Shoes" show the user's position in devices like smartphones and computers with an identification number and password. "We have experience in search of patients with dementia lost, and we know this persons profile does not use mobile phones and no clocks, and Yes shoes. So we decided to create shoes with GPS tracking system, "explained a company spokesman for the Sheet . When the old man turns away more than 50, 100 or 500 meters from home, depending on the preset number, a notification is sent to the mobile device, which shows the user's position on a map so that it is easier to start the search.

Tanegashima island

Tanegashima island Island next to Kagoshima-ken and of great historical importance. It was where the first contact with European culture (Portuguese) that occurred around the same time of the discovery of Brazil. It was also where the Japanese met fires weapons brought by them. The first gun fired in Japan was there. Until recently, "tanegashima" was synonymous with "firearm" as well as "razor" was "razor blade" in Brazil. 450 years before, the Taira clan of Kyoto was exiled to the island and say that because of this even today, 900 years later, the accent of there looks like Kyoto instead of Kagoshima. The clan also brought together its artisans specializing in metallurgy and cutting tools. Using a unique technique, tradition kept until today, producing knives of kitchens and bonsai scissors of high quality. With the introduction of firearms by the Portuguese, these artisans expanded their field, manufacturing high

Want to be the owner of an island for 1 day? In the island of Tokyo can be yours for 70000 Yen

The uninhabited island is the Sarushima , located in the basin of Tokyo , famous for the large number of visitors , shaking the island in summer . But in the months of December to February , there's not much movement , and visitors only visit on weekends and holidays . On weekdays it becomes a true uninhabited island ! The loan of the island is made by the company スペースマーケット , specialized in the field . " She is about 1 hour and a half , and I thought it would be a good move to lend it to people to enjoy an experience out of the day-to-day ," said the company 's public relations . He presented this project to the city , I decided to put into practice . The company began to introduce the project in November , but there hasn't been anybody who used . Second in charge , there were comments about performing shows with young artists and their fans . Besides these , there have been some re


Tourism in Japan   Kiyomizu Temple - Kyoto Known as Kiyomizu-dera (Clear Water Temple ) in Japanese was built around 794 by a Buddhist priest , Enchin , near the headwaters of the Yodo River in Kyoto, Japan , in a place that was one of the throne room of Emperor Kammu . Dedicated to Kannon Bosatsu , has been destroyed and rebuilt several times . The roof of the main hall of today is made of cypress wood   Osaka Castle - Osaka Osaka Castle is a Castle located in Japan , in the city of Osaka , Chuo . Originally called Ozakajo , in the sixteenth century , in the Azuchi-Momoyama period , the Castle played an important role in the political unification of Japan . Osaka Castle is open to the public today and is one of the most famous castles in Japan . The history of the castle : 1496 - Joudo Shinshu Buddhist sect founded a monastery in ruins of the Palace of Naniwa imperial , ancient