" catch mosquitoes " from Sharp without the use of chemical products

  His new device in addition to filtering the ambient air function, has cavities in black and UV light to attract mosquitoes and suck to the inside , where there is a filter with an adhesive layer that will leave you stuck with no chance of escape.

"Fighting mosquitoes without the use of chemicals," is the phrase that the company uses to disseminate this new purifier.

With the proximity of warmer weather, mosquitoes will emerge gradually . A bite not only causes a lot of itching, as can transmit serious diseases.

Sharp held a pre -sales in Indonesia and to date have sold more than double the forecast.

In Japan , this purifier will cost in the range of 50,000 yen. And with this innovative launch, Sharp plans to rebuild the sales of air fresheners and promises to expand the functions of the next devices to be launched.

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