how get your sim card in Japan .

If you are the type of people who hate to travel connected and really like to stay off the air during the holidays, I have bad news: you will need internet all the time in Tokyo. There is no way, Google Maps is essential to create the subway routes, guide your walks and find the addresses. In addition, online translator and online surveys are required practically all the time.

If you will follow my advice and go online (seriously, you better stay!), You need to know some peculiarities of the mobile communication market in Japan. First, the country's cellular network frequencies are very different from the ones we have in Brazil. That means there's some chance your cell phone will not accept a Japanese chip. In addition, only Japanese or foreigners with fixed residence are entitled to a mobile phone line. With that, we have only the alternative of renting a 4G chip or router. That's right, in Japan you do not buy a prepaid chip, you rent.ow-to-rent-a-router-wifi-in-japan
How does the location of 4G routers work in Japan? Well, there are a multitude of carriers offering the service to foreigners. We chose the eConnect Japan modem and the purchase flow went like this:

4 days before the trip, go to the website
I chose the Wifi-t-go 4G plan I wanted
I specified the days I would spend in Japan
I paid with PayPal
I requested that my modem be sent to the post office at Narita Airport (it is in Terminal 1)
Upon arriving at the post office, I just showed my passport and there was a package waiting for me.
We left the airport already connected and solving all the doubts we still had. During our trip, we paid $ 10 per day for 4G with a daily traffic of 1Gb. It was more than enough.

In the package you take out comes the router, recharge cables, an extra battery for you to not pinch and another envelope for return. On the day of leaving, just put everything inside the envelope, seal and leave it at any branch or post office in the city (there is an agency right next to the check-in counters at Terminal 2 of Narita Airport).

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