4. Majide (マ ジ で / ま じ で) The Maji word is derived from Majime, which means serious. As slang can be used Maji or Majide and these expressions are used to show surprise in relation to something or to emphasize something. Can be considered a slang version of "hontou ni" it translates as: Really? Truth? example 1 マ ジ!あ の 人 カ ッ コ イ イ! Maji! Year hito kakkoi Oh really! That guy is beautiful. example 2 結婚 し た. Kekkon shita. I married. ジ で? マ! Majide ?! Oh really ?! 5. Hanpanai (ハ ン パ な い) Hanpanai is used to describe something very extraordinary thing or something extreme, outrageous or beyond imagination. It is mainly used in a positive way and can often be replaced by Yabai. example 1 あ の 子 の 才能 は ハ ン パ な い. Year ko in SAINO wa hanpanai. The talent of this child is amazing. example 2 昨日 は ハ ン パ な く 暑 か っ た Kino wa hanpa naku atsukatta Yesterday was absurdly hot. 6. Norinori (ノ リ ノ リ / の り の り) Norinori is derived from the word 乗 る (の る), which means walking, riding, boarding, take (some type of vehicle). In the case of slang, Norinori used to describe a person super lively, humorous, high-spirited, that infects all who are around. Example み ん な 昨日 の パ ー テ ィ ー で ノ リ ノ リ だ っ た. Min'na Kino in pati norinoridatta. Everyone was excited yesterday at the party. 7. Oshantī (オ シ ャ ン テ ィ ー)  Oshantī comes from the word Oshare (お し ゃ れ), meaning elegant and it is a slang term that was widely popularized by AKB48 group. Slang can be translated as glamor, glamor, Example 昨日 10 万 円 デ パ ー ト で 使 っ ち ゃ っ た. Kino 10 man-en Depāto of tsukatchatta. Yesterday spent 100,000 yen in Shopping. オ シ ャ ン テ ィ ー だ ね! Oshantī ne! That glamor huh!

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