
Mostrando postagens de janeiro, 2016
 tips to avoid making gaffes in Japan During my stay in Japan, I realized that the Japanese are fastidious and you need to take some precautions. Of course, as we are not Japanese, we commit blunders ever - indeed, if there is anything not listed maybe I'm doing today and not know. I made a list of 11 gaffes I made before to understand how the whole thing worked. 1. Put the money in the tray In time to pay any product in any store, do not try to hand over the cash in hand of the seller. He will not be offended and reject the money, but the truth is put it in a tray that is always in the shop counter - sometimes plastic, other metal. After you deposit the amount in the tray, the seller collects the money and gives you the change. Another tip is to try to facilitate the change whenever possible. 2. Do not throw trash on the floor It seems a silly tip, even a blog to Curitiba in the title, but it's always good to remember. Japan has no bins at every turn as the city'
Walking tip: Tsunoshima Bridge, the bridge that "floats" in Japan blue sea The Tsunoshima Bridge was considered Japan's number 1 by TripAdvisor travel website.  Check out the images of the site! Considered the bridge number one in Japan by TripAdvisor travel website, Tsunoshima Bridge is located in Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi province. The Tsunoshima Bridge is a popular promenade overlooking the sea. The Tsunoshima Island is known for its proximity to the main island and the clear waters that surround it.  The bridge is 1.7 km long and is the second longest in Japan that connects a main island to a secluded island. Check out the location of the images recorded by the Portal Mie team:   His perfectly straight length and curves after the bridge are popular among adventurous drivers. The parks on both sides of the bridge are perfect places for photography lovers! This scenario is well connected with the sea, islands, and the bridge.  For an amazing p
ve se  entendeu :  A internet está em polvorosa com a repercussão da notícia do novo imposto de 25 porcento sobre viagens, que incide nas remessas ao exterior para fins de turismo. Do jeito que está escrito em alguns jornais, muita gente foi levada a acreditar que terá que declarar e pagar imposto sobre gastos de viagens. Calma no Brasil: não é nada disso. Vou tentar ser o mais objetivo possível. O novo imposto incide sobre REMESSAS BANCÁRIAS para compra de serviço turístico prestado por empresas no exterior O novo imposto NÃO INCIDE sobre gastos em dinheiro vivo ou com cartão de crédito no exterior Se você comprar uma passagem aérea no site da easyJet, uma passagem de trem na Trenitalia, um ingresso para show no site da Broadway ou uma entrada no site do Louvre com seu cartão de crédito, você vai continuar pagando os 6,38% de IOF de sempre. Se você fizer uma reserva de hotel no exterior pelo Booking para pagar no check-out, e efetuar o pagamento em dinheiro vivo, só terá pag

Gente tive tanto problema conectar minha nova rede ,que agora vou compartilhar com voces este explicativo,aproveitem.

Notebooks HP - Configurar uma nova conexão a uma rede local sem fio (Windows 7) Configurar a rede Wi-Fi pela primeira vez Reconectar-se a uma rede existente Gerenciar sua conexão de rede sem fio Este documento se aplica aos notebooks HP com Windows 7. Uma rede sem fio ou Wi-Fi fornece todas as funções de uma rede com fio, mais a flexibilidade de estar em diferentes locais dentro do alcance do sinal da rede. Você pode permanecer conectado a uma impressora e à Internet e compartilhar a rede com mais de um computador enquanto aproveita a mobilidade do seu notebook. Este documento assume que você já tenha criado uma rede doméstica sem fio conforme o documento Criar uma rede doméstica sem fio ou que tenha esteja tentando se conectar a uma rede sem fio funcional em um ambiente que oferece acesso Wi-Fi aos seus clientes. Antes de começar Antes de conectar-se a uma rede sem fio pela primeira vez, é necessário reunir os seguintes itens: Um adaptador sem fio p
Como Configurar seu PC para uma Rede Local É praticamente impossível encontrar uma empresa que não possua uma rede local. Se você trabalha num escritório que tem conexão local e deseja configurar seu PC à rede para conectar-se à internet, achou o que estava procurando. Veja abaixo alguns passos e instruções sobre como configurar seu PC a uma rede local.Passos <img alt="Imagem intitulada Configure Your PC to a Local Area Network Step 1" src="" width="640" height="480" class="whcdn"> 1 Primeiramente, encaixe o conector RJ-45 à porta de rede Ethernet no seu PC.   <img alt="Imagem intitulada Configure Your PC to a Local Area Network Step 2" src="" width="480" height="320" class="
Hot Springs in Japan. When the Japanese travel in Japan they head straight for hot springs . It's the country's most popular travel activity by far. Hot springs are considered a way to renew and connect with nature . There are thousands of hot springs at hotels, ryokan , resorts and spas all over the country. Be sure to familiarize yourself with onsen manners before your trip. Otherwise, something embarrassing might happen . The variety of Onsen is incredible: natural or artificial , Interior or exterior , small as a bathtub or large like a pool , with boiling water or tepid , white or transparent, with an odor of sulfur , or sweet and earthy . The chemical composition of water treat different ailments such as arthritis , hypertension and skin problems The outdoor baths are rustic , wood or stone , and in General along a river or the sea . Some are in caves , under a canopy of tropical vegetation , behind
The bridge is located in Akashi Kaikyo in the Akashi Strait between the City of Kobe and Awaji Island, The bridge is part of a National Network of Roads What Connect to the islands of Honshu, Shikoku and Awaji and helps in stimulating economic growth Cultural exchange and the Japanese of the West Country. What is most impressive is the size of the bridge. The Akashi Strait is 4 km wide at the bridge site with 100 meters of depth. The Akashi Bridge is one of the busiest roads of the sea in the world and over a thousand ships pass beneath it every day. In addition, the bridge is in a typhoon region where the winds can reach speeds of 290 km / ha construction is inicou in 1988, and officially opened to the public in 1998, were used 181 thousand tons of steel and 1.4 million meters cubic concrete. Steel cords used correspond to seven times around the globe. During the ten years of construction, there has never been a fatal accident in Akashi-Kaikyo.

akashi kaykyo Bridge

The bridge is located in Akashi Kaikyo in the Akashi Strait between the City of Kobe and Awaji Island, The bridge is part of a National Network of Roads What Connect to the islands of Honshu, Shikoku and Awaji and helps in stimulating economic growth Cultural exchange and the Japanese of the West Country. What is most impressive is the size of the bridge. The Akashi Strait is 4 km wide at the bridge site with 100 meters of depth. The Akashi Bridge is one of the busiest roads of the sea in the world and over a thousand ships pass beneath it every day. In addition, the bridge is in a typhoon region where the winds can reach speeds of 290 km / ha construction is inicou in 1988, and officially opened to the public in 1998, were used 181 thousand tons of steel and 1.4 million meters cubic concrete. Steel cords used correspond to seven times around the globe. During the ten years of construction, there has never been a fatal accident in Akashi-Kaikyo.
  kobe from japan.    Kobe (神戸, Kōbe) is the capital of  Hyogo Prefecture  and one of Japan's ten largest  cities . Located between the sea and the  Rokko  mountain range, Kobe is also considered one of Japan's most attractive cities. Kobe has been an important port city for many centuries. Its port was among the first to be opened to foreign trade in the  19th century  alongside the ports of  Yokohama ,  Nagasaki ,  Hakodate  and Niigata. In 1995, Kobe was hit by the  Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake , which killed over 5000 people and destroyed tens of thousands of buildings. Today the city is completely rebuilt, and few signs of the terrible event remain.